Extended Video and Modes of Projection. Refigurations of Video in the Post-Media Age [talk]

:: talk : 29.10. – 7pm - 9pm | PUC-SP – TIDD (Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital) : colloquium w/ Lucia Santaella

(i): Chip Torres – elchiptorres@hotmail.com

: @ PUC-SP - Campus Consolacao, R. Marquês de Parabguá, 111 Consolação, São Sao Paolo


Within the post-medial formation video has been differentiated and dispersed along different fields, formats and functions. Video, as most general form of the moving image, has extended its reach far beyond television and film. While this reconfigures the medial sphere and medial subjects alike – introducing new spatio-temporalities, new collective projections and new social positionings –, it also assigns a new global relevance to ‘video’ (where by now it even appears that ‘Globalization-as-is’ is in fact co-dependent on video as lubricant). ‘Vernacular Video’ and ‘Video Vortex’ are circulating labels indicating this generalized relevance of video, while in an even more analytical perspective theorists now speak of ‘The Inner Life of Video Spheres’ (Treske), ‘The Carnival of the New Screen’ (Stiegler) or even a ‘Cinematic Mode of Production’ (Beller). Looking for some transversal reason for the prevalence of video as central, pluri-form metaformat of the current socio-cultural complex, this talk reviews ‘mode(s) of projection’ and some possible meanings and potentialities of this diagnostic figure.