Provocative Alloys – A Post-Media Anthology [text/media]
:: co-editor/author : book : along w/ Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater + Anthony Iles : 1312(i): PML Books/MUTE>
Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles and Oliver Lerone Schultz (Eds.), Provocative Alloys: A Post-Media Anthology
– Winter 2013. Print ISBN 978-1-906496-94-4; eBook ISBN 978-1-906496-95-1
Featuring essays by Adilkno, Clemens Apprich, Alejo Duque, Gary Genosko, Michael Goddard, Félix Guattari, Brian Holmes, Felipe Fonseca, Howard Slater, Cadence Kinsey, Oliver Lerone Schultz, Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits
Félix Guattari’s visionary term ‘post-media’, coined in 1990, heralded a break with mass media’s production of conformity and the dawn of a new age of media from below. Understanding how digital convergence was remaking television, film, radio, print and telecommunications into new hybrid forms, he advocated the production of ‘enunciative assemblages’ that break with the manufacture of normative subjectivities.
In this anthology, historical texts are brought together with newly commissioned ones to explore the shifting ideas, speculative horizons and practices associated with post-media. In particular, the book seeks to explore what post-media practice might be in light of the commodification and homogenisation of digital networks in the age of Web 2.0, e-shopping and mass surveillance.
The element of suggestion, even hypnotism, in the present relation to television will vanish. From that moment on, we can hope for a transformation of mass-media power that will overcome contemporary subjectivity, and for the beginning of a post-media era of collective-individual reappropriation and an interactive use of machines of information, communication, intelligence, art and culture.â€
– Félix Guattari, Towards a Post-Media Era
Josephine Berry Slater & Anthony Iles> _ Provocative Alloys: An Introduction _ 6
Gary Genosko> _ The Promise of Post-Media _ 14
Félix Guattari> _ Towards a Post-Media Era _ 26
Howard Slater> _ Post-Media Operators Sovereign and Vague _ 28
Michael Goddard> _ Félix + Alice in Wonderland: The Encounter. Between Guattari + Berardi + the Post-Media Era _ 44
Adilkno> _ Theory of the Sovereign Media _ 62
Cadence Kinsey> _ From Post-Media to Post-Medium: Re-thinking Ontology in Art and Technology _ 68
Alejo Duque>, Felipe Fonseca> & Oliver Lerone Schultz _ South of Post-Media _ 84
Brian Holmes> _ Activism and Schizoanalysis: The Articulation of Political Speech _ 106
Clemens Apprich _ Remaking Media Practices: From Tactical Media to Post-Media _ 122
Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits> _ Emerging Techno-Ecological Art Practices: Towards Renewable Futures _ 142
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part of: PML Books
‘Provocative Alloys’ is the second Book in the PML Books series.
The PML Book series is a collaboration between Mute magazine and Post-Media Lab. The Lab was set up in September 2011 and explores how post-broadcast media can be used to intensify ‘collective assemblages of enunciation’ – an idea originally formulated by Félix Guattari, and now unfolding in diverse ways across the ubiquity of media.
_ Series Editors : Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles, Oliver Lerone Schultz
>> For more information see:
––– PML Books @ Post-Media Lab >
–––MUTE Publications >
s.a. »PML Books [text/media]« >
s.a. »Post-Media Lab [project]« >
s.a. »South of Post-Media [text]« >
–––MUTE Publications >
s.a. »PML Books [text/media]« >
s.a. »Post-Media Lab [project]« >
s.a. »South of Post-Media [text]« >