Making Change : Production Sprint (#I) : South-East Asia [event]
co-conception + moderation : w/ Clemens Apprich + Nishant Shah : Bangalore : 3.-7.6. 2014 : The Energy Research Institute (TERI) in Domlur, Bangalore.(i): Kolkatta Share>, W. Sterneck (CC by-sa-nc)
Making Change is a research project that questions traditional understandings of change –where change is employed in the name of power, reduced to a ‘spectacle’ by global media and gone largely unquestioned in the public discourse- and aims to build more adequate frameworks to address the idea of change in the context of common knowledge, networked media and information societies.
It calls for a critical understanding of change that allows us to recognize new forms, functions and methods of change practices, with an emphasis on multi-modal applications of media and strategic digital technology interventions in the public space; and to collect these experiences through conversations, interviews and on-the-ground action with different groups and communities in emerging information societies. The purpose of the project is to identify these processes as part of the Global South discourse, and create prototypes for a knowledge commons that facilitate the creation, exchange and integration of knowledge that affect and initiate processes of social and political change in the region.
With this as a backdrop, Making Change is hosting focused, intensive, and production-oriented workshops called Production Sprints to facilitate the convergence of actors and ideas. These will not have a traditional conference structure where knowledge is imparted, but will be spaces of knowledge exchange between change-makers around processes, narratives and experiences of change and of experimentation with multi-modal forms and formats of knowledge production (text, image, sound, etc). Participants will be asked to group around four topics: infrastructures, crises, ecologies and networks of change. We are hoping for a synergy of these visions and practices to produce new ways of thinking about change.
––– @ provisional workshop website >