Preface (Post-Media Handbook) [text]

:: co-author : 1501 : PML-Books/MUTE>

(i): Taking Care of Things : 1401

_ lit.:

: Schultz, Oliver Lerone, et al.(2015): Preface. In: Plants, Androids and Operators: A Post-Media Handbook. Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry-Slater, Anthony Iles, Oliver Lerone Schultz (Eds.). PML-Books Series, #6. Post-Media Lab/MUTE. London/Lüneburg. (p. 7-11)

short :
» The Post-Media Lab’s first life-cycle, which this book documents, ran from September 2011 to February 2014. Its focus was the potential for ‘post- media’ practices. Its inspiration and name are derived from Félix Guattari’s concept of those social and media assemblages which unleash new forms of collective expression and experience. Retrieving Guattari’s concept of post-media, which can be found running through 30 years of new media practice and theory, the Post-Media Lab (PML) offered a space in which to reflect and operate upon the networked, mediatised society. Not regarding this as a purely theoretical endeavour, it also drew on the provocative notion of ‘post-media operators’ developed by Howard Slater through which he linked mediatised (sub-)cultures of all sorts with a programmatics of non- conformist practice. «

>> “Preface” PDF (140kb)

s.a. »Plants, Androids, and Operators – PML Books #6 [text/media]« >
s.a. »PML Books – Editorial Series [text/media]« >
s.a. »Post-Media Lab [project]« >