Plants, Androids and Operators: A Post-Media Handbook [book/text]
:: co-editor : 1501 : PML-Books/MUTE> : review of PML-life-cycle>
_ lit.:
: Schultz, Oliver Lerone, et al.(2015): Plants, Androids and Operators: A Post-Media Handbook. Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry-Slater, Anthony Iles, Oliver Lerone Schultz (Eds.). PML-Books Series, #6. Post-Media Lab/MUTE. London/Lüneburg.
_ contents:
Preface : Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles & Oliver Lerone Schultz
_ Digital Networks: Connecting People Apart
Mahalla, Manalaa, Tahrir, Maspero: Post-Media Nodes of the Egypt Spring. : A conversation between Oliver Lerone Schultz & Mina Emad
Process Processed : Josephine Berry Slater
_ The Subsumption of Sociality
Notes on Subsumption : Anthony Iles
Destructive Destruction – An Ecological Study of High Frequency Trading : Inigo Wilkins & Bogdan Dragos
Field Notes from the Cloud : Sean Dockray
Seamlens : Gordan SavicÌŒicÌ
_ The Question of Organisation After Networks
Immanence After Networks : Rózsa Zita Farkas
Movements of Safety, A Safety Movement, Safety in Movement : Micha Cárdenas
Click Social Activism? A Localisation of Political Participation After Networks : Moritz Queisner
_ Life vs. Object, Comrade Things and Alien Life
Mapping the Conjecture : Fabien Giraud
Stack, Heap, Frame : Martin Howse & Jonathan Kemp
Deckspace.TV reSynced : Adnan Hadzi & James Stevens.
_ Contributors Biographies